About Us

Daughter Terri & Jennifer Sims

Hello, welcome to Guinevera and our company  ‘Tingey’s Health & Beauty Ltd’

(Guinevera is pronounced Gwin – e – vera

When I was looking for a name to use for my Branding, the name ‘Guinevera’ came to me via a lady who was helping me as a wordsmith.  I told her I love the name ‘Guinevere’ as it also means Jennifer (my name), but found it had been used many times, she then, told me her name was Jennifer too, but on her Birth Certificate her name was actually ‘Guinevera’!   As soon as I heard her birth name (as everyone called her Jenny), I knew immediately that was the name I wanted for my Product Range, I love it!

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jennifer Sims S.F.Hb.T., Adv.B.T., Adv.Dip. Psy.T. Senior Fellow Homeobotanical Therapist, Advanced Cert. Bowen Therapist, Advanced Diploma Psychotherapy. What is homeobotanical therapy? A form of herbal medicine

What does Senior Fellow homeobotanical therapist mean? It took me 7 years to achieve after I was Certified and qualified as a practising Homeobotanical Therapist.

I am the creator of our delightful, 100% Natural & Organic products and have been practicing herbal medicine and natural therapies for 30 years. How did it all begin?  Well, my stories a bit like many others, stemming from dissatisfaction with what was available, but with a twist.

I initially began making personalized skin products for clients in my Health Clinic. Using kinesiology I would test them for the perfect ingredients for their very own personalized skin cream. It worked a treat for them and myself, but was of no benefit to anyone else, and it was this that got me thinking. ‘How can I make creams and lotions which work, so that many people can benefit not just one person at a time, plus, my intention first and foremost was to create a product/s to enable me and all who use them to ‘Grow Old Gracefully’.

I then focused on designing a core range of products, which could be universal and suit many skin types- including ultra-sensitive skins. I thought “surely it must be possible to make a product that can not only bring your skin back to normal, but also beautify and youth it?”   Isn’t that really what everyone wants?

Well… What a project I gave myself!

Otaki Beach, New Zealand

I had no idea what was involved, but I set to, and after lots of failures, I formulated my Face Food Serum and original Face Food Day Lotion. I then trialed these two products on several women aged between 30-60 yrs old for a period of 8 weeks. The results even astounded me as they were quite dramatic, but when I think back on the ingredients I chose, I’m not really surprised they worked as well as they did. You can check out the actions of each ingredient if you choose, within our website.

Speaking of ingredients… have you ever noticed how white most creams and lotions are??? All I can say about this, is it appears in most cases to be primarily due to a LACK of ingredients in them… so when you look at my products don’t be surprised to see actual colour (no colouring agents, only herbals and essential oils) there!

As I continued creating more products, our amazing Face Food Calming Lotion came into being, which has shown itself to be an extremely valuable product for all sorts of skin issues. It is a product I always keep handy due to its amazing actions on the skin.

It was initially designed as an Anti-Inflammatory to help those with inflamed skin issues, but the F.F. Calming Lotion appears to have further benefits. It’s the natural healing element’s within it which gives it extra healing benefits, over and beyond what it was designed to do. A most wonderful product, definitely one to have on hand!

I continued developing our wonderful range of Natural face food skin care products so you too can enjoy a range to choose from and have those extra benefits for your own skin. I am extremely happy to share with you products that truly do deliver healing, youthing and beautifying elements directly to your skin.

My promise to you is, we will continue introducing new and exciting Face & Body Food products to suit your skins nutritional needs, regularly.


Yours Sincerely,

Jennifer Sims
S.F.Hb.T., Adv.B.T., Adv.Dip.Psy.T.